
We value our sponsors as business partners who are a key ingredient of our success.

Sponsors underpin us financially and contribute skills and knowledge to our club.

You can download our sponsorship packages below.

We welcome your enquiries about partnering with us. If you are interested in sponsoring Goodwood Saints, please contact our President:

Email: President@goodwoodsaints.com.au

Please read about our available Sponsorship packages in 2025 by clicking the button below.

Sponsorship Agreement 2025

All sponsors - player and other, are required to complete an agreement with the Club. Please fill in the correct form below, by clicking on the button which will open in a separate window. This year we are proud to be partnering with ClubDucks for our sponsorship management. If you have any issues with the below links, please contact our Club Administrator at gsfc@goodwoodsaints.com.au


A commercial relationship requires a commitment to success. The relationship must be a ‘win-win’ for all parties and must be worked at to be successful.
The club supports our corporate partners wherever possible through club purchases. We promote our corporate partners and the goods and services they provide at every opportunity.

Our brand-new clubrooms have multiple screens to continually highlight our valued sponsors business.

Sponsorship of Goodwood Saints boosts brand advertising with exposure to a targeted local market as well as wider exposure via our website and social media. This heightens awareness of your company and its contribution to the community.

The relationship is not just financial - our corporate partners have found it rewarding to become actively involved with the club, thus creating increased opportunities whilst networking with other supporters.

MAJOR SponsorS



Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

BRONZE sponsor

BENEFIT CLUB SPONSORS - advise the sponsor you are from gsfc

Match Award Sponsors