Concussion Protocols 

The Goodwood Saints Football Club (GSFC) have been working with the South Australian Sports Medicine Association (SASMA) to promote concussion protocols and focus on player wellbeing. For more information on references and related documents see the concussion management policy located below.


Player wellbeing is important and something we stand by “If in doubt, sit them out”. Sport related concussion is looked at in 4 steps including:

          ·        Recognising concussion

          ·        Removing the player

          ·        Referring to medical staff

          ·        Recording the injury


The player will not be allowed to return to the game after any form of concussion (any contact to the head). Returning to training and game play, the following 4 steps must be adhered to:

·        24-48 hours of cognitive rest

·        Symptom-limited activity to allow full recovery

·        A monitored graded loading program

·        Clearance from a medical doctor

The earliest a player can return from concussion protocols is the 21st day following the concussion with the day of the concussion counting as day 0.

The player must be symptom free for two weeks before getting medical clearance for:

·        Contact training

·        Return to match simulation in training

·        Game play

Recognising a suspected concussion is important for player wellbeing and can be used through the head check app and the concussion recognition tool.

All players with suspected concussion need a medical assessment.


The first aid treatment form can be found via the GSFC app which allows for accurate recording and notifies the GSFC player welfare team about the concussion. This form should be completed on the day of the injury.


The GSFC Forms App QR Code:

Injury form link:


The Goodwood Saints FC have implemented ‘Concussion champions’ to assist players and team managers to understand the management of sport related concussion in AFL.


The team manager & concussion champions are responsible for tracking players progress through the following steps:

·        Seek medical assessment

·        Send the ‘Four stages of graded return to play’ document

·        Send the ‘Return to learn’ document if a student

·        Written clearance to be able to return to training given to the team manager

·        Team manager notifies the coach and sends the clearance form to the GSFC administrator


Goodwood Saints FC have implemented a purple and white hi-vis vest with the words ‘Non-Contact Player’ on the back of the vest. This must be worn until the team manager has received written medical clearance. The singlets can be located on the back of the door to the medical room.


Any player / parent / carer refusing to provide the team manager or club official with medical clearance will not be able to play for at least 28 days after the concussion.